West Springfield, MA
Flare and other bearded dragons were taken in by animal control after being abandoned.

Fall River, MA
Butch was taken in by animal control with lacerations on his leg. The vet stitched him up, and he’s awaiting a forever home.

Easton, MA
Washington needed care for a greasy coat and ear trouble.

Billerica, MA
Blu was taken in by animal control because his chronic case of happy tail had become necrotic and had to be amputated.

Billerica, MA
Freya update! Freya was surrendered to animal control and had severe mange and skin infection. She also had a double ear infection. She’s in foster care and will hopefully soon find her furrever home!

Billerica, MA
Freya was taken in by animal control and treated for severe mange and double ear infections.

Everett, MA
Bella needed extensive measures to keep her alive at the hospital overnight and had emergency reproductive surgery. She likely would have been euthanized without our Stray Animal Program!

West Springfield, MA
Darla was taken in by animal control horribly emaciated with skin and ear infections. Following treatment she gained weight and is doing much better. She’s very social and makes friends with everyone she meets!

New Bedford, MA
This dog was taken in by animal control with severe matting and embedded nails. Without our program he would have been euthanized for lack of city funds. Since his treatment, he’s been adopted!

North Adams, MA
Toby (formerly “Casanova”) was found as a stray and had a swollen area on his neck. The vet drained it and got green fluid. In addition to needing antibiotics, he also had tick-borne diseases. All the vets thought the swollen neck was due to his salivary glands and suggested surgery would be hard and costly. Dr. Beebe said he would give it a shot and when he got it opened up he found a huge mass as well (fortunately not cancerous). He stayed at the vet’s office for several days due to some surgery complications but is now doing wonderfully!

Cambridge, MA
Gravy, an approximately eight-month-old kitten, was found with a hair tie wrapped around her front right paw. The tie had cut off circulation and her leg had to be amputated.

Palmer, MA
Atlas was brought to Here Today Adopted Tomorrow Animal Sanctuary in rough shape. He had an ulcer in his right eye and swelling on his face. There was also a perfectly round hole in his belly, which took 2 trips to the ER to get him patched up!
In the meantime, he is living large in his own room in the shelter. Shelter staff monitors visit him daily. He’ll go to a feline eye specialist soon to address his ulcers. Even though he’s not feeling his best, Atlas is a total love! His favorite place to be is a good lap and he still has a sense of curiosity. These funds will ensure he receives the quality care he needs to make a full recovery.

Fall River, MA
“One-Eyed Willy” was picked up by animal control after a good samaritan saw someone dumping her in the woods. The cage door was open and the bunny was sitting outside, frightened but sweet. Her eye seemed to have exploded and needed to be removed. After recovering from surgery and being cleared for adoption, she was brought to House Rabbit Network to find a forever home. These funds saved her from being euthanized.

Waltham, MA
“Shorty” was found running around and was picked up by Waltham Animal Control as a stray. No one claimed him and he was examined and treated for issues with his prostate, dental disease, and a hernia. While he was receiving care he was neutered as well.

Tewksbury, MA
Billerica & Tewksbury Animal Control took in these sweet puppies who had lesions and needed immediate veterinary care.

Everett, MA
This pup needed emergency care after being hit by a car. She will continue to go to the vet every 2 days for 2 weeks to have her cast changed and wound rebandaged but she has already found a forever home!

Worcester, MA
This cat was brought to a clinic for examination, and the veterinarian found several injuries and head trauma (broken jaw and face). X-rays revealed even more internal injuries, and she recommended the cat be brought to Tufts immediately or be euthanized. I was faced with the decision of euthanasia or having the City be responsible for the extensive jaw and facial surgical repairs Noodles needed to survive. I was able to reach out to the MVMA Charities, and because of their charity, I was able to approve Noodles’ surgery where his jaw was wired and a feeding tube put in for 6 weeks. Noodles were discharged the day after his surgery and are recovering in the home of one of the Tufts Techs.

North Adams, MA
Mary Jane and her 4 puppies were surrendered to animal control. She was in distress and 2 of the puppies had already died. At age 6, she had never been to the vet and she had extremely long nails and 2 tick-borne diseases. Her calcium was so low and her temperature was over 105. When taken in, she couldn’t even stand up on her own.

Plymouth, MA
“Lemmy,” as we’ve been calling him, presented with vomiting, diarrhea, low blood glucose, and dehydration. Such a sick puppy was a sad sight. We were able to get him to CCVS quickly where they gave him fluids and medications to get him feeling much better. Now Lemmy is in his foster home with proper care and nutrients.

Auburn, MA
Roxanne came to Auburn Animal Control VERY pregnant and in need of an emergency c-section. Our friends at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University Foster Hospital helped save her life as well as an unborn kitten.

Dracut, MA
Dracut police were dispatched to a boarded-up house that allegedly had dogs living inside. The responding officers located three emaciated dogs living in unsanitary conditions with no food or water. All three dogs were taken to Wignall Animal Hospital. One of the dogs named Gibbs was determined to have an obstruction and needed emergency surgery. Gibbs was brought to Northwood Veterinary Hospital in New Hampshire. The surgery was successful, and the vets removed two PPE paper masks from his stomach. Without this surgery, Gibbs would have died. Gibbs is described as a seven-year-old mini schnauzer. He was transferred to ARL Boston and pending adoption.

Kingston, MA
This sweet girl (Ginger) was surrendered when her elderly owner realized he could no longer care for her. Upon surrender, we found her to be severely obese (60 pounds over her ideal weight). After an examination by our vet, it was determined that in order to save her life, she would require not only dietary restrictions but regular exercise to prevent any further damage to her joints, as well as heart problems and diabetes.

Gardner, MA
Xena (now Daisy) was found horribly underweight and wandering the woods suffering multiple seizures. Westford Veterinary Emergency & Referral Center, LLC treated her, and she was adopted following her recovery. She has found the best home and is loved and cared for as she deserves!

Auburn, MA
Chiquito is a Holland Lop whose matting was so severe that a local groomer was not able to successfully clip off all of his mats as their clippers couldn’t cut through the thickest portion of them. Chiquito’s back, in essence, required a shearing, and his matted fur was clipped off like a rug. Chiquito required grooming under sedation in order to carefully clip and clean him. His skin was red and irritated under the matting, but he was able to be released back into our care. He required daily pain medication, antibiotics, topical ointment, and monitoring for GastroIntestinal Stasis, but he was able to make a full recovery.

Fall River, MA
Soldier Girl (now Phoenix) came in with a strange story. She came in with bleeding during urination and was clearly traumatized. Although many tests were run, nothing came back showing any abnormalities. She will be monitored and be put up for adoption when her bleeding stops.

Kingston, MA
“Sunny,” a golden retriever/chow mix, came into the shelter and was positive for Lyme, Ehrlichia, and severe Heartworm disease. A treatment plan was put into place, and despite this long ordeal, Sunny has remained good-natured and a happy-go-lucky dog. Everyone at the shelter has grown to love him and is rooting for him.

Kingston, MA
Pippi, a long hair Chihuahua, was found wandering the streets in a rainstorm by a Good Samaritan. She arrived cold, wet, dirty, matted, and underweight (3 ½ pounds). Due to the severe length of her nails, she had difficulty walking. She also had a very pungent odor coming from her mouth and had difficulty eating even softened food. The shelter staff was able to make her somewhat comfortable by trimming her nails, bathing her, and giving her a professional grooming treatment. She was found to have serious dental disease with severe infection and in need of immediate treatment. Dentistry was performed, and all her remaining teeth were extracted. A small mammary gland cyst was also discovered, and cytology was performed. The results were inconclusive.

Foxboro, MA
Rose, an 8-year-old Havanese, and Daisy, an 11-year-old Bichon, had not been groomed in 18 months. Their coats were matted to the skin, and their nails were almost 2 inches long. The groomer said it was the worst case of neglect she’d ever seen. Their teeth and gums were so horrendous it’s a wonder they could eat. They were much happier after dentistry, which included numerous extractions. Rose and Daisy were amazingly resilient during their custody. Every morning when I entered the kennel, Rose greeted me with a “woo, woo, woo” and then ran in happy circles, waiting to go on her walk. Daisy was more sedate but still clearly enjoyed going on walks.

Framingham, MA
A young intact male pit bull-type dog was found by a good Samaritan. The dog was severely emaciated, weighing only 24 pounds. He was unable to keep any food or water down, vomiting immediately after consuming even a small amount. X-rays revealed a foreign object in the intestines. Emergency surgery was performed at Tufts VETS in Walpole. A nipple from a baby bottle had become lodged in the dog’s intestines and was removed. Fortunately, the intestines were still healthy, and no resection was needed. He is currently on a re-feeding program and has already shown marked improvement.

Plymouth, MA
Charlotte was abandoned and had a significant amount of hair loss and a double ear infection. The vet treated her with two different kinds of medication in hopes that it will help her.

Woburn, MA
Brandi was found by a good samaritan in the parking lot of Dave and Buster’s. She was suffering from severe and uncontrollable bloody diarrhea, leaking urine, and bilateral chronic and untreated ear infections and active Lyme Disease likely causing joint pain in her front legs. She was brought to a local kennel and held for the MA required 7 day stray hold. Her photo was advertised throughout the area but no one came forward to claim her. Due to her dislike of other dogs and cats as well as her advanced age (approx 12) combined with her medical issues, she was not an easy placement. However, her luck changed and she found a long-term foster home/family! Because of MVMA Charities she received the treatment she desperately needed and deserved.

Norfolk, MA
Meet Skipper! A Norfolk resident who found the dog abandoned in a parking lot in his crate. He had a shattered leg that needed amputation among other injuries that are also being treated. Bills are upwards of $3,000 but we’re so happy to say he’s doing much better!